Welcome to Old Fashioned Toys!
Remember what your favorite old fashioned toys were when you were growing up? Classic board games like Monopoly? Clue? Remember playing UNO with your friends? Building LEGO sets on the floor? Racing down the hills on your sled in the snow? Maybe you had a favorite pedal car or battery powered car that you rode around the neighborhood? Remember how much fun those toys were? Remember how much creativity and imagination went into just playing with your friends?
Wouldn’t it be great to see your children or grandchildren having that kind of fun? Wouldn’t it be great to see them put down the electronic games, tablets, phones, and laptops more often? Wouldn’t it be great to see them turn off the television and play outside again?
That’s what Old Fashioned Toys is all about!
This site was originally started back in 2009, however, due to some changes we’ve had to make in the software that we were using, we’ve been forced to start all over. Now, starting over isn’t necessarily all bad, because this time, we hope to do a better job of bringing you the best old fashioned toys for your kids!
Please, bookmark our site & come back often as we add the newest versions of the best toys of yesteryear.