If there’s anything at all that we are hearing from our toy suppliers, it’s to shop early this year!
Unfortunately, we’re still feeling the effects of the pandemic, our suppliers of the Old Fashioned Toys that our customers know and love can’t get stock from manufacturers, and what they can get is often delayed due to shipping issues. With that in mind, it’s looking to be a very difficult season if you’re looking for that one certain old fashioned toy to give someone special this year.
Fortunately, many of the toys featured on Old Fashioned Toys either don’t require the electronic components or the batteries that are causing the shortages, or the toys are actually made in the United States, Canada, or even Mexico, so they are shipped over land instead of via container ship across the ocean. And as a result? Old Fashioned Toys may be your absolute best choice for Christmas gifts this year, especially since they are often less expensive than the latest electronics, too!
Still, you will definitely want to keep the problems in the supply chain in mind as you shop, select, and buy for your family and friends. Remember to shop early and be prepared to substitute something readily available whenever you run into the kind of long term delays that we expect this winter.
Of course, come Christmas morning, your child will be so happy with their gifts that they probably won’t miss whatever it was that you weren’t able to get.
Happy Holidays from Old Fashioned Toys!